
torstai 2. heinäkuuta 2015

Crafting With An Attitude 88 / 2015

Vielä lisää uutisia :) Olen liittynyt mukaan Crafting With An Attitude -haasteen DT-porukkaan.
My newest DT position is at Crafting With An Attitude.

Haasteen sponsorina on Karleigh Sue, kortissani olen käyttänyt digileimaa Gone fishing. Värittelin leimakuvan Derwent Inktenseillä.
Our sponsor for this challenge is Karleigh Sue. I've used the image Gone fishing, colored with Derwent Inktenses.
I hope you will join us in this challenge over at Crafting With an Attitude, as always "Anything Goes."

Allsorts Challenge #317 - Blue as the Ocean
Sketch Saturday #367

88 / 2015
Karleigh Sue - Gone fishing

4 kommenttia:

Mervi kirjoitti...

Paljon onnea!!!
Ihana kortti ja just Allsorts haasteeseen sopiva, kiva kun tulit mukaan;-))m

Tracy kirjoitti...

Thanks for joining Allsorts challenge with this great entry, good luck.
Happy crafting
Tracy x

Anonyymi kirjoitti...

Mari love this card and lovely image. Welcome to my team. Thank you for a great challenge.

Hugs Erin xx

Danielle Vincent kirjoitti...

Oh wow I love this. Reminds me so much of my future daughter in law who loves to fish. Great details (love the fish charm). Thanks so much for joining us last week at Sketch Saturday. There's a new challenge up today - hope you will join us again!